Newly Found Love in Metro !! - Part 1

            That day,Tushar was immersed in her thoughts whom he saw in Metro.Fortunately she was also looking at her.His friend Nitin waked him up from his dreams.
                        Tushar worked in an MNC in Gurgaon while he lived in Delhi.
He daily went to his office via Metro with his friend Nitin. He saw that girl in morning while his way to the office.Seeing the condition of Tushar,
Nitin asked,"What have happened to you?"
Tushar said,"I saw a girl today who felt like my life partner."
Nitin said, "Haha.What's new in this ? You daily see many girls and each girl seems to be your next life partner."
Tushar said,"But here the situation was different.I caught her looking at me.Usually I see girls with no reaction from their side."
 Nitin said, "You have a dashing personality,dude. But you never listen to me what I say about your stubble.That was the reason Nisha broke up with you"
Tushar said, "Don't speak her name again in front of me.She was not made for me.Stubble was nothing to with the breakup."
Nitin replied," Why don't you understand me ? Even Nisha said it to you:I hate that unclean stubble."
Tushar replied,"It was just her lame excuse to justify the breakup and go with his newly found boyfriend."

This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.

This post is also a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

I am accepting Ekta Khetan’s tag and writing this post in response to the same.

I would like to tag the following fellow bloggers in this post :
 Check the previous posts of PASS contest :
 1) How My Clean Shaved Look Bowled My Classmate in College !
4) You just read(I hope so) the fourth post.


  1. Nice post there Tarun..
    I hope my tag is lined up for acknowledgement soon.
    Let me know when you tag me in any of your posts through mails of comments.

    1. Thanks Priyanka and yeah,you are in queue.I will let you know.


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